1. Don't throw garbage on the roads/streets
2. Don't spit or urinate on roads and walls
3. Don't write on walls and currency notes
4. Don't abuse and insult others, rather, be patient, tolerant and controlled
5. Save water and electricity
6. Plant a tree
7. Obey traffic rules
8. Honour and take care of your parents and grandparents , take their blessings and always respect them
9. Respect women
10. Give way to ambulances
11. Treat your neighbour in the way you would want to be treated
12. Do not seek for corners to cut in anything you do
13. Be intentional in honesty and integrity
14. Fear God in a way that is demonstrated in your lifestyle
15. Respect every individual, regardless of race, religion, tribe or status, we are all Gods creations
16. Always seek to be part of the solution and not the problem
17. Grab every opportunity to be kind and helpful
18. Be conscious of setting a good example for younger or junior ones
19. Be content and grateful for what you have more than lamenting over what you lack
20. Be proud of being a Nigerian by focusing on the positives and acknowledging that God does not make mistakes
*We need to change ourselves and not the country. Once we change ourselves the country will automatically change*
If we want our children to live in a clean, safe and prosperous environment, then pledge to follow these pointers in your everyday life.
No one person or leader can change the country alone; it's you and I who can change our beloved nation, by changing ourselves!
We can't have good people inhabiting a country and the Country Is bad.
Kindly forward this important message to every single friend or group so that it reaches every citizen of Nigeria .
by JASMINE GARNSWORTHY DRY SKIN, NATURAL ACNE CURE, NATURAL REMEDIES, NATUROPATHY, OIL PULLING PurpleSub... 8 Aug not only does it have an active OlivePu 3h If somebod produce m Peach & Lily’s New Overnight It Looks Li Gigi Hadid Natural health remedies are having a serious moment on the wellness scene right now. Whether it’s oil pulling to cure a myraid of concerns, or applying apple cider vinegar to your skin to clear up acne, your grocery store can be a pretty effective place to find health fixes. So, if you want to try out natural solutions to common health complaints, keep reading. We rounded up 50 of our favorites right here–but remember, if you’re really worried, you should always see a doctor. 1. Bad breath: Try oil pulling. If you find yourself avoiding getting up-close with people for fear of your own bad breath–and brushing and flossing twice daily does nothing to help, try this. Oil pulling fans swear by the technique’s ability to freshen breath for way longer than an...
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